Library Memberships & Borrowing

Benefits Of Your Library Membership
  • Borrow items from our library collection such as books, DVDs, audiobooks, picture book kits, and more!
  • Remotely check out ebooks, e-magazines, e-audiobooks, newspapers, movies, and more with our eResources.
  • Access our eResources for professional training, genealogy, language learning, studying, and so much more.
  • Use the online TRACPAC catalogue to search for items, place holds, renew items, and even check out eresources directly.
  • Can't find what you're looking for? Place it on hold from one of the 200+ other Alberta libraries in the TRAC system. They'll be delivered wherever you want, and we'll let you know when they get here.
  • Still can't find what you're looking for? Place it on hold from anywhere in Alberta - including Edmonton, Calgary, and post-secondary institutions - using the Relais service.
  • Borrow and return items from any public library in Alberta using the Me Libraries service.
How To Get Your Library Membership

Come on into the library during open hours and ask for a membership at the front desk.

Children under 18 need a parent or guardian signature.

Valid government ID must be presented to get a library membership.

Price Of Your Library Membership

FREE - membership expires after 1 year. Expired patrons must visit the library and show ID to verify their address.

Find out how much you've saved, on the bottom of your receipt when you borrow items!

Things To Know

Fines: 10 cents per day

Fines of over $10.00 will be blocked from using library services until the fine is paid down to under $10.

All fines must be paid off before your library membership is renewed.

Loan Periods:

DVD: 7 days

Book: 21 days

Renewals: Items may be renewed twice unless they have been brought in on hold from another library, or fill a hold by another patron.